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2 Beginner commands (teleporting & item adding) (delta)

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G0d p0wr


First Server Side TUTORIAL

Serversided- this means the editing and adding you do to the server is added in your source part, not the client.
Client sided- This means your doing work in the client, so go to your client folder.

This is a Serversided only tut

Rating- 2/10 since you guys are new it should be difficult.
Source Used- Delta (im just learning delta myself)
Objective- Adding a Custom Command
Why?- im showing this so people can start making their own commands. This is very basic along with changing the name of your server.
WARNING - Capital Letters are needed in the spots required or shown here!!! otherwise it wont compile!!

Step 1. Open (basically your client document, open it with notepad).

step 2. Find your commands
hold ctrl + f, search for master. (this is the master command, practically every server has)

Step 3. Find out what command your making.
Example ill make two commands.
1st a teleport command
2nd a adding item command

step 4. (teleporting command)

triggerTele(3223, 3218, 0);

Basic Info:
This is a command signifying that if you type ::lumbridge, you teleport to those coordinates.
To manipulate the teleport coordinates, the (3223, 3218, 0); you just change those coordinates.
And so to reproduce more teleporting commands. Copy and paste this one. Then just edit it your liking.
This comes in handy for other things such as global objects. If you want to make a object you click,
teleport you somewhere just type triggerTele(xxxx, yyyy, 0); the xxxx, and yyyy you change up.
The zero stands for Height (i think, remember im just learning too).
You must need if(command.startsWith)(that signifys the name in the quotes, if it is typed then like if you
also add a X or another letter after it will still bring you to the place you typed. which would be
lumbridge. Capital Letters are needed in the spots required or shown here!!! otherwise it wont compile!!

Step 5. (a code, adding an item to your inventory).
I dont know how to really do this, ill just use my czar style coding, but like its delta.

addItem(4151, 1);
addItem(995, 1000000);
sM("You Spawned a whip, and 1million");

And you can just edit that to your liking as well. I know is czar based you can edit to so, someone can only do this code once.

If someone knows how you can type it up, i know how but this was a pretty long tutorial!
If you like rep. use the "+" button on the side of this message.

80% Me (for writing up the tut, and commands)
15% Dleta
2% Czar
3% synergy source

da man

Parenoya Sr Member
Parenoya Sr Member

lol nice u showed me this before them lol

G0d p0wr


No i didnt, i showed czar or told you but i never did a tutorial.. Ill be doing more tutorials..

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